Monday, June 4, 2012

Provision From Unexpected Places

Yesterday I went to my parents church for the first time this summer and got up and talked about going to LA. Some of you may be surprised I am still raising support with only a couple days left before I fly out but in my experience a lot of support raising is like this; last-minute, God-glorifying,  faith-growing experiences. I can honestly say with all my heart God has given me such peace about this summer, whether all my support comes in or not. When I think about it too much on my human terms of time and space and value I can get overwhelmed a little but when I look in my fathers eyes there is such sweet peace and rest and I know I have no reason to worry.

In the mean time, while I wait, I have been so completely overwhelmed with the blessing of people I don't even know. For most of the people at my parents church it was only my first or second time ever meeting them and yet they received me open-armed and supported me not just financially but spiritually. I was so overwhelmed and blessed by these people that don't even know me and how passionate they are for Christ and his work. This entire support raising process has been so much different than any other I have ever experienced - out of the six missions trips I've gone on - over half the people that have supported me are people I don't even know. I can't even describe how encouraging that is to know that people I don't even know are being moved by God to send me to LA. It's been a crazy and exciting whorl-wind ride where I can't wait to see how God is going to provide next - he blows me away - it's never what I expect, but who am I to think that my tiny human mind could ever grasp the glorious plans God has?

I have two days till I am supposed to fly out. I'm still expecting some support in the mail but as of right now I'm still $2,000 short. I can't wait, I know God has something huge planned. As I write this I keep thinking of the faces of people and the ways that God has sent people to encourage and support me in this journey to LA and I am so overwhelmed. I can't help the tears rolling down my face because He is so good and the love He has shown me through his people is breathtaking. The word "love" doesn't even seem sufficient because God's love and the love of his people is so much greater than the loose term I hear bantered about in a world that has yet to realize just how great of love has been shown them. God help me be and share this love!

With the love that only he can give,

P.S. Someone asked me if I will have a mailing address while down in LA - YES! I would love receiving letters while down there and to hear from all of you! If you would like to send me some [Godly] love letters the address is:

Alyward House
The Traveling Team - IT
Jessalynn Centifanto
1539 East Howard St.
Pasadena, CA 91104

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