Well, I made it. I can't believe this is only my second day here - and my first full day - because I have already learned so much and met so many incredible brothers and sisters in Christ. I can't even begin to explain how overwhelmed I am by how much God has blessed me already and how much I have learned. Yesterday consisted of mostly delayed flights from weather and travel and then getting to know people (picture 40+ college kids on a picture-scavenger hunt and icebreakers). But even my first few hours here I was already blown away with the way that God is moving in this place and encouraged so much by the people I am getting to know and the conversations I am having. Day two now, this morning was orientation information and more fellowship, Target run for necessities, and our first session/class tonight.
It's amazing how God draws people together; when your identity is in Him social boundaries and limitations are meaningless in light of the glorious grace that we share. I already love the people here so much and am so encouraged to be around like-minded brothers and sisters in Christ that are pursuing the same things I am.
I can't possibly share everything, I already feel like I've been here for so long and learned so much in the short time I've been here already. In orientation today we went over the summer schedule.... Let's just say I'm already feeling like I have "information overload" and the summer has barely just begun. Our days are going to be packed with so much and not just "busy work". There's a reason this is called the IT (INTENSIVE TRAINING) Summer Project. I don't know how I am going to take this all in, I'm already overwhelmed with how much I've learned already. It's going to be a jammed packed summer but words cannot begin to describe how excited I am. I can't wait to see what God is going to teach me next or how he is going to use this in my life, he already has so much. Our Project Director - Hudson - explained it like this "This summer will be like drinking from a fire hose." And I believe it.
Tonight we had a talk about Evangelism by one of the leaders and Traveling Team staff members here named Morgan. To sum it up: MIND BLOWING! For something so basic and essential to the Christian walk I don't think that the gospel and it's implications for not only us as individuals but in the world is talked too little about. I know I've mentioned it before, but God is never done teaching me more about the "basics" of who he is and my relationship with him. Morgan talked about evangelism and the reasons for it in a way I have never heard before. I can't possibly share it all or begin to even touch on all the things he shared - I wish I could - but one thought that really stood out to me tonight was the fact that evangelism is not for people - though they do need it and that is one of the reasons we share - but more importantly it is for God's glory because he is WORTHY of their (the people we share with/the world) honor and praise (read Revelations 5:9). I've been thinking about evangelism backwards this whole time - with people being saved as the purpose instead God's glory as the purpose and people's salvation as the means to that.
Morgan talked about how people sometimes bring up that they think it's "unfair" that not all people get to hear the gospel but in reality none of us deserve it and it is entirely for God's glory. Morgan's three main points for tonight were (1) Christ Commands it (Matthew 28:18-20, Matt. 4:19, Mark 16:15, Acts 1:8, 2 Cor. 5:15-20 and so many more!!!!!!) and that is enough. Period. God says if you love him you will obey his commandments (John 14:15). Period. (2)People Need it (Eccl. 3:11, Romans 7:24, Eph. 2:3, Romans 10:14). (3) Jesus Deserves IT!!!!!!!! (Col. 1, Psalm 33:8, Psalm 86:8-10) Colosians 1 talks all about who Jesus is and how glorious he is why would we not, as Paul writes labor to "proclaim" him to "EVERY MAN".
Again, I can't share everything - and looking at our schedule for the summer I'll probably have even less time in the future to explain and more information to process a lot faster as well - I don't know how much sense this all will make since I can't explain further but I am just so overwhelmed and excited for what I am learning here I had to share with you all. I feel like I am only now beginning to understand just a glimpse of what my life should be about and just a glimpse of the glory of God.
Tomorrow we are going to get some more evangelism training and then go share the gospel with people down by the pier at one of the beaches here. I'm a little nervous but mostly excited and even more now than ever before because I am coming to more fully understand the importance and the reasons for evangelism.
Please continue to pray for me and the other students and staff here - whenever God is at work you can be sure to find Satan lurking nearby because he definitely isn't happy about the fact that we all are learning how to battle like never before against him. Also for the people we will be talking to tomorrow that we would find open hearts and minds and most importantly that God would be glorified.
There is so much happening and so much that I'm looking forward to - I wish I had more time but this is already pretty lengthy and I have stuff to finish before lights out. Thank you all so much for your love and support - I think about you often and thank God for you all. You will never know the full extent of how much you have blessed me or the people that will be changed through you sending me to grow and learn how to reach lost people. God's work is so exponential. I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am to be here.
Much love,
P.S. I will try to continue to write often but looking at the schedule I know it will be pretty crazy from this point on so I'm sorry if it's a few days between posts.
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